Thank you for registering for Sarah Gray's 

"Fill Your Next Event with 100+ People"

Friday, April 5th at 1 pm ET/ 10 am PT

During this training you will learn:

  • Gain Total clarity on how to fill your event with the RIGHT people (who are ready to work with you!)
  •  Learn the hottest new marketing strategies that will make you excited to promote your event (will have your audience scrambling to sign up)
  • Develop A clear step by step plan that will fill your event overflowing with red-hot leads and get bums on seats (guaranteed to boost revenue sales)
  • and much more

Be sure to mark your calendar.

The meeting will be run on Zoom.
Just click on the Zoom link below on April 5th at
1 pm ET/10 am PT

On that date and time go to:  

Meeting ID: 967 3405 6208

We look forward to meeting you and
supporting you in growing your business.

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