Joint Venture Directory Roundtable
One Year Silver Membership

Message from David Riklan and Mark Porteous

Our primary goal with the Joint Venture Directory is to provide effective systems for all of our members to get new partners regardless of the level of their business. Our full membership includes startups, entrepreneurs with a side business, mid 5 figure businesses plus many 6, 7 and 8 figure business owners.

One of the biggest challenges for our more established members is finding qualified Joint Venture partners that are at their level.

In order to successfully grow our businesses, we all want to partner with people and companies that have the ability to be compatible partners.

We want our Joint Venture partners to have 3 key ingredients in their business 

1) A valuable product or service that would be a good fit for our audience
2) A sales funnel that converts and the systems to effectively deliver their promise
3) A following that is interested in what we have to offer and a willingness to promote partners products or services.

Unfortunately, many of our Joint Venture Directory members are missing at least one of these three ingredients. They frequently lack a significant audience that supports them (ie. either significant email list or social media following) or are missing a quality offer with a sales funnel that converts well.

Our general Joint Venture Directory community is made up of 1500 plus companies.   Most of them have a good product or service, but only a fraction of them have both a significant following and a sales funnel that converts well.

To help you connect with more qualified partners in our community that have all 3 pieces in place, we had created an INVITE ONLY JV Directory Roundtable Group that fixes these issues.

To qualify for the Joint Venture Directory Roundtable, you needed to have a quality product or service, be earning more than $100,000/year and/or have an audience of at least 10,000 subscribers/followers.

In the past, we have been running these Roundtables quarterly and the people invited have seen tremendous success.

Many new partnerships have been created and many people have rekindled their relationships with Joint Venture partners they haven’t spoken to in years.

"Partners that I have met in the Joint Venture Directory have generated over $71,000 in sales from promoting my Website Creation Workshop."  Christina Hills –

Even with the success, we’ve gotten two consistent suggestions for improving our Roundtable events.

1) Have them more frequently.  Many of our members can’t make the quarterly dates because of conflicts with their own business and wanted more dates to come. 

2) Bring in more qualified partners. Most of us are looking for more of the right people.

In order to assist our more successful members, we have decided to expand the Joint Venture Directory Roundtable events.

Based on this consistent feedback, we are expanding our Roundtable Events to include two major changes.

A) We are going to increase the number of annual Roundtable Meetings by 300 percent. We will go from 4 quarterly meetings a year to 12 monthly meetings.  This will make it easier to find more quality opportunities to connect.

B) We will focus on proactively finding and attracting more high quality partners every single month.

This expansion will require a significant effort.  In order to cover our additional costs and to ensure we are bringing in qualified committed people and companies, we are creating a new membership level called our Silver Membership that will include a wide range of benefits including access to our monthly Roundtable events. 

This membership will include the following:

1) Full access to our general Joint Venture Directory of 1500 members, 600 podcasts and access to our 24 biweekly general networking calls.

2) Top Priority for Speaking, Presenting and Running Breakout Groups in our regular bimonthly networking calls (24 calls a year)

3) Access to our 12 monthly Joint Venture Directory Roundtable calls.

SCHEDULE For Joint Venture Directory High Level Roundtable Calls

We will be hosting 12 Monthly Roundtable calls for established businesses that are doing at least $100K in revenue and have a combined Social Media and Email reach of 10,000 or more or can provide other valuable support for partners.  Each call will be 2 hours long.

Our Schedule of Events

Wednesday, May 15th, 2024 at 5:00 PM Eastern

Wednesday, June 19th, 2024 at 5:00 PM Eastern

Wednesday, July 17th, 2024 at 5:00 PM Eastern

Wednesday, August 14th, 2024 at 5:00 PM Eastern

Wednesday, September 18th, 2024 at 5:00 PM Eastern

Wednesday, October 16th, 2024 at 5:00 PM Eastern

Wednesday, November 13th, 2024 at 5:00 PM Eastern

Wednesday, December 11th, 2024 at 5:00 PM Eastern

Wednesday, January 15th, 2025 at 5:00 PM Eastern

Wednesday, February 12th, 2025 at 5:00 PM Eastern

Wednesday, March 12th, 2025 at 5:00 PM Eastern

Wednesday, April 9th, 2025 at 5:00 PM Eastern

4)  Two (2) Newsletter ads in our weekly newsletter going out to 12,000 + business owners, coaches, speakers, authors and healers),

5)  Two (2) strategic Joint Venture Introductions directly from David Riklan or Mark Porteous based on your requirements and preferences)


We are providing three ways to gain membership into our Joint Venture directory.

1) All of our Gold and Platinum Members will get automatic access to everything included in the Silver Membership

2) Earn your way in. We are providing complementary membership as a thank you for our top Joint Venture Partners. (ie. Anybody who brings in 5 New Paid Members or more into the Joint Venture Directory.)

3) Pay the annual silver membership fee. The annual membership for the 12 monthly Roundtable calls is $997.  

To Join, go here:

To see what some of our current members have to say, please review the testimonials below.


The JV Directory has been one of the standout partnerships for Thought Leader in the past year. Our partnership has driven six figures in revenue through multiple JVs, but more importantly, has led to the fostering of great relationships in the industry. David and Mark go above and beyond in their community events, engagement, and support. It is absolutely worth every investment. 

Natalie Dunn from


Last year, I generated $50,000 worth of income from Joint Ventures and it all came from partners that I found through the Joint Venture Directory.

Adrian Moreno


Since joining JV Directory, I have received $136,000 in sales from contacts made exclusively through JV Directory members.  JV Directory is the best networking platform on the internet, and one of the best investments I’ve ever made!

Gary Rogers


In my very first networking call I met someone who enrolled in my training for a 10x return on my investment in the JV Directory. I highly recommend joining.

Rhonda Sher


The Joint Venture Directory has been a great community for me to get one on one high-level clients working with me.  I've also been able to connect with people and create some great collaborations, joint ventures and get direct affiliates for some of my programs.


And as I very quickly totaled it up, it's got to be well in excess of $25,000 that's generated from just being a member of the Joint Venture Directory.

Steve Brossman

To Join, go here: