Thank you for registering for Jane Deuber's Assessment Marketing Essentials

Tuesday October 18 at 2pm ET/ 11am PT

During this training you will learn:

  • How lead-scoring assessments work and why they are the wave of the future;
  • 5 essential elements of a high-converting assessment
  • How to stop wasting time with prospects who are not ready or willing to invest in support
  • The top 3 assessment marketing strategies industry leaders are using to accelerate sales
  • A 30-second tip for creating meaningful connections and filling your calendar with qualified leads

Be sure to mark your calendar.

The meeting will be run on Zoom.
Just click on the Zoom link below on October 18th at
2 pm ET/11 am PT

On that date and time go to:

Meeting ID: 930 2274 6176

We look forward to meeting you and
supporting you in growing your business.

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