Danny Bermant Teaches "The Simple 3-Step Method for Creating Your Ideal JV Partnerships"

Wednesday August 9th at 3 pm ET/ 12 noon PT

If you ready to take your JV partnerships to the next level, you’ll want to join Danny Bermant for this powerful 60 Minute Masterclass titled,
The Simple 3-Step Method for Creating Your Ideal JV Partnerships.

In this masterclass Danny will share...

  • What he has seen going wrong with JVs and what is working well 
  • 3 biggest pain points Danny hears again and again about JVs
  • How to be irresistible to other partners

  • What is needed for a robust JV onboarding process

  • How to make it easy for partners to send you great leads
  • and much more

About Danny:

Danny helps established coaches and consultants attract their ideal clients through joint venture partnerships. Until June 2023 he was director of partnerships for Mirasee, an education company that has enabled 1,000s of students to build and launch courses to grow their impact and revenue.

He has supported over 20 six-figure launches both for his clients, and for other joint venture partners, that have generated millions of dollars in revenue. 

Danny’s passion is people, and the nurturing of professional relationships. His friends refer to him as “Captain JV” – He is a prolific networker. He has supported over 300 JV partners and works with some of the biggest names in marketing.

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