Thank you for registering for Jase Souder's How to Use Stories and Entertainment to Become a World Class Speaker and Skyrocket Your Business

Wednesday November 16 at 3 pm ET/ 12 noon PT

During this training you will learn how to use stories and entertainment to:

  • Grab your audience’s attention
  • Get your audience to like you
  • Keep them riveted to you
  • Get them to spend more money with you
  • Create WOW moments in your presentation
  • Get invited back time and time again

Be sure to mark your calendar.

The meeting will be run on Zoom.
Just click on the Zoom link below on November 16th at
3 pm ET/12 noon PT

On that date and time go to:

Meeting ID: 919 2083 1455

We look forward to meeting you and
supporting you in growing your business.

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